Wednesday, May 6, 2020

United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees Essay

Due to several reasons, such as to escape war, domestic persecution, conflict, natural disaster, climate change impact, poverty, or other serious threats for reasons of race, religion, or nationality, many people had been forced to leave their home country and move to another country for their own safety. These people are called asylum seekers (Amnesty International, n.d.). Given the fact that their rights are preferred and protected under international law, such as a protection from being sent back against their will to their country of origin where the chaos happening, an access to employment as well as education, and not to be discriminated, they enter certain country with the aim of getting international protection as a refugee. In order for their claim to be accepted and their status to be determined by the national government or the international agency such as United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), they need to meet certain requirements, such as they must have a valid visa, both types of tourist visa or student visa to apply for a refugee visa, as well as health standards (International Justice Resource Center, n.d.). Australia itself has an international obligation on refugees and asylum seekers that continued to arrive with total number that keeps growing from year to year. Australian Human Rights Commission (n.d.) states that under the Refugee Convention, Australia agreed to assist all the asylum seeker and refugee that come to it’s Department ofShow MoreRelatedThe United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees Essay1298 Words   |  6 PagesIn accordance with data from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) there are approximately 59.5 million displaced people globally as a result of conflict, violence, environmental degradation and human rights violations. Of these, approximately 19.5 million are classified as an asylum seeker or refugee collectively. 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