Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Rape, Violence, And Violence - 1945 Words

Though the offensive act occurs off-stage, Pinter makes the rape incident pivotal in understanding the acts of violence committed against women. Rape like other acts of physical violence leads to injuries and bruises in the victim and also leads to psychological effects such as post-traumatic stress, anxiety and depression in the victim. But what separates rape from other acts of physical violence is that it hurts the dignity of a woman, shatters her confidence, makes her feel powerless and nothing but an object of pleasure for her offenders and at times causes long lasting physical and psychic problems. In the play One for the Road, rape is used as a tool of violence to cause the psychological breakdown of not only Gila but also her†¦show more content†¦Beginning. She is beginning to fall in love with me. On the brink ... of doing so. The trouble is, I have rivals. Because everyone here has fallen in love with your wife. It’s her eyes have beguiled them ... (p.231) Though Victor does not say anything then, his immense mental anguish and pain is expressed later on when he tells Nicolas â€Å"Kill me† (p.232) A scene of sexual molestation is observed in Pinter’s play Mountain Language when the Sergeant at the prison puts his hand on the bottom of a young woman, who had come to visit her imprisoned husband.(p.256) The young woman does not protest against the molestation out of fear that her husband might be brutally tortured as a consequence of her complaint against the Sergeant’s indecent behaviour. Instead what she understands by the Sergeant’s behaviour is that if she offers her body for sexual pleasure to him and other higher officials she might be able to get her husband released from the confinement. That is why towards the end of the play, she willingly offers her body to be sexually violated. YOUNG WOMAN Can I fuck him? If I fuck him, will everything be all right? SERGEANT Sure. No problem. YOUNG WOMAN Thank you. 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