Thursday, April 16, 2020

What Is the Value of Pronouncing Words in a Pronounceable Style?

What Is the Value of Pronouncing Words in a Pronounceable Style?In almost all countries and cultures, polite speech is a very vital part of the life. Without such kind of important words, it would be impossible to hold any type of social or business relationship with others. In fact, people can lose their patience if they find someone talking in a rude manner, so you should try to provide a polite example. And, how to write a good, polite speech sample essay is the same as how to write a persuasive essay.The important thing you need to do before writing a speech sample essay is to write something that you are comfortable with. This is the most basic component of writing a polite essay. You have to write a paper that you would like to read because it is impossible to write a polite essay without having some sort of writing style that you are used to.When it comes to proper diction, it is advisable to have a copy of the proper dictionary nearby. This way, you will be able to find out i f you have written the right word or not. Also, it will help you in writing a well-written essay.If you want to write a polite essay, then it is also advisable to practice with a dictation of your own talking and writing in order to improve your writing skills. But, before you begin dictating, make sure that you have practiced it with a friend beforehand. This will help you prepare yourself when you are making your first attempt.As mentioned, another part of writing a polite essay is to maintain a proper punctuation and spelling of the written words. A good punctuation and spelling are indispensable to deliver a speech in a pleasing manner. You can also avoid saying something awkwardly such as 'but'and' in order to convey more attention to your statements.And, also, when you are writing a speech, make sure that you are clear on what you are saying. It is advisable to write your speech in your own words so that you don't have to repeat things and add more meaningless words to make yo ur essay more readable. There are some speeches that are too long to read, so try to be concise and short. This will help you to reduce the amount of filler that you have in your essay.Of course, you should know how to deliver your speech in a way that will convince your listeners that what you are trying to say is based on good arguments. It is best to use proper vocabulary and definitions of the different words used in a polite manner. It is also important to introduce your ideas in a professional way rather than using crude words.Finally, you should put in mind that in delivering a speech, you should present your point without coming across as a whiner. Even though you know that you are the one who is speaking, you should still speak calmly and comfortably. There is no need to be abrupt and aggressive when you want to persuade your listeners.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


WAL-MART AND BHARTI: TRANSFORMING RETAIL IN INDIA Paper WAL-MART AND BHARTI: TRANSFORMING RETAIL IN INDIA BY -roni2208 WAL-MART AND BHARTI: TRANSFORMING RETAIL IN INDIA This report analyses and evaluates the situation of the retailer Wal-Mart in the Indian industry. On the point of creating a JV with the company Bharti, Wal-Mart has to resolve numerous challenges, range from the cultural differences to problems with its supply chain to strengthen its competitiveness, gain customer loyalty and becoming the go-to place. The Indian Retail Market The competiveness of the Indian retail sector will be evaluated, by applying the Porters 5 forces model. Threat of Entry Due to the competitive pressures of new entrants combined with stringent laws and regulations on FDI, this threat is considered as middle. The fact that the emerging Indian retail sector is ranked among the most promising sectors, the advantage of being the first mover is essential in order to gain competitive advantage. Threat of Substitutes Considered as middle, the threat of substitutes do not dominate the competiveness of the retail industry, due to the growing population, who have to buy their groceries at some places anyway, which they need for their daily life. Nevertheless the entality is changing from Save and Buy to Buy and Pay, there are still price sensitive Indians. Buyer power Regarding the Indian market, which is mainly dominated by unorganized retail, combined with the pressure on low margins, the bargaining power of buyers is very high. However Wal-Mart is known for its EDLP proposition which is essential to meet the Indian customer needs, who are very loyal to the lowest price. We will write a custom essay sample on WAL-MART AND BHARTI: TRANSFORMING RETAIL IN INDIA specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on WAL-MART AND BHARTI: TRANSFORMING RETAIL IN INDIA specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on WAL-MART AND BHARTI: TRANSFORMING RETAIL IN INDIA specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Supplier power The weak supply chain management, which is rather considered as the main factor of the low bargaining power of suppliers, is based on a poor infrastructure, which can ause delays in transportation. Rivalry between competitors This force is considered to have the main influence on the industry and is therefore very high. The JV is facing competition on the one hand from its main competitors; on the other hand from the dominating unorganized retail stores. In conclusion the Indian retail industry is considered as highly competitive, where it is difficult to sustain through a low-cost strategy. However low prices combined with a differentiation strategy would be the key factor in order to stand out from the competitors and to gain competitive advantage. Wal-Mart Wal-Marts core resource and competence is serving its customers with EDLP. Due to this valuable strategy, Wal-Mart is enjoying the cost-leadership and is therefore market leader In tne gloDal retall Inaustry. Wal-Mart estaDllsnea a close relatlonsnlp with its suppliers to bargain prices to lower its own prices and to force its competitors to do so as well. Moreover its main strategy is accompanied by the use of IT, which forms the heart of its business. Leveraging technology enhances planning and strengthens operations to improve the supply chain, which is costly and difficult o imitate. Based on its EDLP Strategy, which requires efficient processes, Wal-Mart stands out from its competitors and is enjoying sustained competitive advantage. Wal-Mart Bharti Joint-venture Regarding the future venture of Bharti, Wal-Mart will have to deal with numerous challenges range from strict laws and regulations to cultural differences. The SWOT analysis below will evaluate how well Bharti will fit into Wal-Marts operating plan. Strengths Bharti has grown the last few years by building global partnership. Its high presence n India combined with its deep knowledge of the growing consumer market can help to extend WalMarts retail expertise. It has built a huge network of suppliers and business partners which will be useful for the JV. Weaknesses Compared to Wal-Mart Bharti is a small company, which could lead to an imbalance of power. Moreover its experience in retail is very limited. The JV will require a lot of co-operating and cross cultural management. Opportunities The change from a S to B mentality, accompanied with an enhancement of the living conditions let the Indian retail market boom. Moreover the growing number of working youth and women leads to increased consumer spending and purchasing power. However Indian consumers still attach importance to lower prices. 2 Threats Wal-Marts poor social image as well as the strict labour laws and regulations on FDI can be serious issues. The poor infrastructure will cause a lot of problems, when implementing WalMarts efficient supply chain. Moreover already established retail companies and new entrants will make it more difficult for the JVto sustain in this highly competitive industry. Recommendation Based on the analysed facts, I deduced two main options open to the JV: Whether entering the Indian market or not. Not entering the Indian market is Justified by the enormous number of threats and weaknesses in the retail industry. This option would include avoiding businesses within India and cooperating with a company that has more expertise in retail. There are other markets with less regulations and customers who are still demanding low prices. Entering the Indian market will be a very risky and costly strategy. In order to succeed WalMart has to focus on its core competences as well as on differences in onsumer behaviour. Beside the low-price strategy, consumer demands a favourable price-quality ratio. Thereby Wal-Mart has to redefine its current strategy by focusing n OITTerentlatlon ana Keeping low prlces. conslaeraDle amounts 0T money will oe necessary to invest in the poor infrastructure in order to implement its sufficient supply chain. Due to the tremendous importance of respecting the Indian culture, Wal-Mart needs to establish social actions by implementing CSR. On the one hand Wal-Mart should adjust its supply chain towards an environment-friendly anagement; on the other hand a positive relationship with the community is crucial, by using local producers and stimulating the local economies. CSR can improve the reputation of the company enormously. A high reputation combined with the sufficient supply chain and a favourable price-quality ratio, can push the JV ahead. In conclusion, I would recommend Wal-Mart to enter the Indian market, while improving its core competences and implementing CSR, which are creating a sustained competitive advantage and thus leads to a strengthened competitiveness. 3

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Polytheism God Is Dead By Nietzsche Essays - Philosophy Of Religion

Polytheism: God Is Dead By Nietzsche Reproduced, with permission, from THE FUTURIST, Published by the World Future Society, 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 450, Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Toward the end of the nineteenth century, the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche wrote a fictional account of a madman who went about the town proclaiming that God is dead. Nietzsche's story is illustrative of a wave of atheism that spread through the intellectual circles of Europe in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, but that never caught on in society at large. The idea of the divine demise, however, did not die: A movement by theologians resurrected Nietzsche's thesis in the 1960s, amidst the other forms of radical thinking that characterized that decade. The cover of Time magazine for April 8, 1966, summarized it best with the boldfaced headline, Is God Dead? Despite the theologians' doubts, the next few decades marked a rise of religious fundamentalism among many Christians and Muslims and a return to traditionalist thinking among many Jews. Today, 96% of the U.S. population say they believe in God, a slight increase compared with surveys done half a century earlier. If he were to appear today, Nietzsche's madman would still find that he had come too early. What is the future of God? Will He ever truly die? One difficulty in answering these questions is the word God. It may seem like a simple word, but God doesn't mean the same thing to everybody: Various images and ideas of the deity appear throughout different times and cultures. So the first issue we need to look at is semantic. We need to study the way people have understood God in the past and what they believe today. Then we can address what concept of God is emerging for future believers. MANY GODS OR ONE GOD? One common theory about the Western image of a single, distinct God is that He arose out of a more ancient era of polytheism. Indeed, the first books of the Bible tell how the Israelite God Yahweh forbids his people to bow down before other gods, suggesting the existence of parallel deities. In many cultures today, God is not singular: A tribe of deities perform their individual tasks and attract their own followings. Hindus, for example, have never found reason to abandon their pantheon. While polytheism may seem primitive to Westerners, who have been reared with the idea that there can be only one God, it does have certain advantages and may not be merely a less sophisticated predecessor of monotheism. For one thing, if there are many gods, it may be easier to find one whose job description best fits your needs. If you are an artist or an expectant mother, you might be able to seek the assistance of a god specially attuned to your situation and more comforting to you than a god who controls the weather (who might be favored by farmers). More importantly, having a variety of gods who specialize in different aspects of life relieves the single great deity of attending to a multitude of specific concerns. This is simply the economic principle of the division of labor applied to religion. In addition, polytheism creates more confidence for the petitioner: You are more likely to get an answer from a god with an interest and expertise in your problem than to persuade the great God to become interested in your trivial concern. In Roman Catholicism, praying to saints for their intercessory power saves this advantage without compromising monotheism. The problem with polytheism, however, is that the gods who are interested in specific human concerns generally begin to look and act all too humanly themselves. It requires no stretch to imagine them engaging in the same kinds of self-interested behavior, such as bickering over jurisdiction and illicit love affairs, that we find among humans. They become less divine and less worthy of worship. By contrast, the problem with monotheism is that God becomes so great and so incomprehensible that He ceases to be available for ordinary human concerns. Thus the great trade-off: A God who is truly God (in the Western sense) isn't of much practical use; a god who is one of many scheming, self-interested gods doesn't inspire much awe. MONOTHEISM'S THREE-PRONGED PROBLEM Monotheism also contains another essential problem--one with implications for the future. The Western God of the Jewish-Christian-Islamic tradition illustrates the core difficulty in monotheism, a philosophical conundrum that has been called the theodicy problem. It is formulated as a trilemma and can best be illustrated this way: Among the following three statements, it is logically possible to reconcile any two of them, but the