Saturday, August 31, 2019

Why Is Autumn the Best Season?

Autumn, the only season where you can watch the multicolored leaves fall and the unique chirping of birds in the fall. Fall is the best season because you don’t have wear thick jackets as the weather is not too hot or cold, sports could be a main exercise for you outside, and it’s a chance to spend with your family during special holidays. One of the advantages of the autumn weather is that you won’t get chilly or get overheated like the other seasons.You won’t have to stay in all the time because the weather is perfect unlike summer when it’s too hot or too cold like in winter. There is something different about the feeling of wind when you open the door to go outside that begins the feeling of autumn. Sometimes it rains during the fall but that strengthens the feeling of this season. Also during the summer it’s soccer, baseball, football, and rugby season. Fall is a great time to watch and play these sports. You can go outside with your fri ends and family to go sporting outside in the autumn breeze.Fall can make getting tackled by a huge jock a lot more fun. I’m not a huge fan of watching sports but I heard it’s what brings families and friends together in the fall. I wish I watched sports but I rather watch the thanksgiving parade. Holidays are one of the best ways to get together with your family and friends. Autumn holidays include Thanksgiving Day and Halloween. The Thanksgiving holiday is a four-day holiday over the weekend. Families and friends usually eat a special meal together (usually with a turkey as the main dish).This meal also usually includes mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, several casseroles, and stuffing. Halloween is also a special holiday in the fall. Halloween is a holiday in many countries that is celebrated on the night of October 31st. Children wear costumes and they go to peoples' homes saying â€Å"Trick or treat! † to ask for candy and then people give it t o them. This practice originally involved a threat. In this case the threat could be explained as: â€Å"Give me a treat or I will play a trick on you. † Children today usually do not play tricks if they do not get treats.However, some children still get up to mischief (pranks or things to make fun of people; like putting toilet paper in trees; writing on windows with soap or throwing eggs at peoples' houses). For me autumn is when it all comes together The weather is usually the best of the year. The shadows lengthen. The grass green up and loves the cool nights and occasional moisture. The leaves turn gorgeous colors. There’s a crisp scent in the air. Pomegranates are in season. And sports, ah, yes, sports. It’s the best season for sports. That’s why Autumn is the best season.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Jamie Oliver’s language Essay

In this essay I am going to be talking about the different aspects of Jamie Oliver’s language and how he adapts and uses these language features in his TED speech.Jamie Oliver successfully uses many language devices in order to help him communicate with his audience. I will be looking at Oliver’s and examining how effective it is and also some features of spontaneous speech, which are shown in the speech.Firstly, I am going to look at Jamie Oliver’s planned and prepared language that he uses. Oliver has obviously taken time to adapt his lexis to suit his American audience.Phrases such as â€Å"health care bills† and â€Å"dollars† are some examples of this. Using these Americanisms would ensure that his audience understands the full message that he is trying to put across to them. If he used phrases such as â€Å"pounds† it would weaken the emphasis he is making he could not have full communication with his audience, as they would struggle to understand the extent of his message. Next, there is a strong display of socialect and idiolect in Jamie Oliver’s spontaneous speech. This shows that even though he has adapted some of his lexis and thought about what he is going to say, he often switches to spontaneous speech and his socialect and idiolect come through. An example of this is â€Å" ain’t†. As this is a very-English word, it shows that this would be part of Oliver’s spontaneous speech. However it may also have been planned as it shows that even though he is trying to adapt to suit his audience he may have used â€Å"ain’t† to keep his identity and also make his speech more engaging.Pauses are a common prosodic feature in Jamie Oliver’s speech. Often used subconsciously, they are slight breaks in speech that can be used in spontaneous speech for the speaker to think about what they are going to say next, but also can be planned in order to add effect. An example of are long pause is â€Å"let’s be honest guys,(0.5) you ain’t got that cash.† This is a clear example of using pauses to add effect. Its hows that Oliver is passionate about the subject he is talking about and adding as light humourous edge to his talk.All these are features that Jamie Oliver uses in his speech, whether it be spontaneous or planned. Each one has a specific effect and adds to his speech. Altogether I have found that these features are integral to the success of his speech and enhance the message he is bringing to his audience.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Global Citizenship

Chapter 5 Social Inequality: Any difference in the treatment of people based on age, race, gender, etc.Social Stratification: Refers to the large hierarchical arrangements of large social groups on the basis of their control over basic resources (main forms include: class, gender and race/ethnicity)a) Dominant group: Characterized by a disproportionate share of power, wealth, social status and health care b) Subordinate group: Has limited access to power, resources and social statusPower: The capacity to control resources which allows structures of dominance and subordination to be createdPrivilege: Gained through unearned power that gives dominate members advantagesBarriers: Visible or invisible obstacles that prevent or limit people’s access to resources, opportunities and benefits of membership in society (i.e. visible: public spaces that are inaccessible to persons with physical disabilities, and invisible: immigrants having limited access to job opportunities)Ideology: Ro oted in history and are maintained through social structures that dictate the order of our society (i.e. women’s position is to be a nurturer, a caregiver and a weak subordinate to men)EQUITY VS. EQUALITY Equity: A framework that allows us to pursue economic and social justice for minority groups in society Equity differs from equality in that treating everyone ‘the same’ may in fact pose barriers Though a policy or practice may be applied equally to all, it may have a discriminatory effect Equity focuses on fairness and refers to fair access to resources, opportunities and outcomes, and pays attention to how power is working in society and challenges unfair systems and practices Equality fails to consider history, current contexts and circumstances of individuals and groupsChapter 6 Social action: Involves a group doing something to make the world a better place and is something that anyone can participate inPersonal social action: A day-to-day life decision tha t creates an impact on the world (i.e. recycling, donating, making environmental changes in your home, volunteering, join a community organization, etc.)Social change: Achieving an alteration at any level in society to create a more just and fair situation for a specific individual or group of peopleActivist: Someone who takes a social action in order to attempt to make a social changeSocial Entrepreneurship: Businesses that aim to create social change through their regular practice, using business principles and market economics (i.e. Paintbox Bistro: uses the business of a restaurant in an underpriveliged area to improve the quality of life of people in Regent Park through the love and enjoyment of good food)1) Micro-level: Focuses on working with individuals or PRIMARY GROUPS trying to remedy a problem that affects them (i.e. turning to family or friends for help writing a resume helps to fight unemployment at an individual level)2) Mid-level: Focuses on working with SECONDARY GR OUPS such as communities or committees to ensure local change (SIMON’S EXAMPLES: YMCA and ‘Skills For Change’ – two services in place to assist communities to better themselves through recreation and the building of career skills)3) Macro-level: Focuses on working collectively as groups at the INSITUTIONAL or SYSTEMATIC LEVELS on changing issues at their root cause (SIMON’S EXAMPLE: Pride Toronto – aims to fight for the equality and acceptance of gays worldwide)Fair trade: A trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency and respect that seeks greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions and securing the rights of marginalized producers and workers (MACRO-LEVEL CHANGE)Grassroots: Locally based, volunteer-run, formal non-profit groups (i.e. community organizations, joining or volunteering for non-profits or getting involved in politics – SIMON’S EXAMP LE: ‘Stop the Cuts’ – a group rallying against Rob Ford’s budget cuts)SOCIAL JUSTICE VS. CHARITY Charity: A not for profit organization which people give donations (whether financial or volunteered time) that aims to aid social, cultural and environmental issuesSocial justice: A concept based upon the belief that each individual in society has the right to equal civil liberties, equal opportunity through education, economics, etc. and aims to address the root cause of said issues in order to fix them permanentlyCharity alleviates the symptoms of an issue, leaving the root cause unaddressed (can be seen as a temporary fix to a social issue)Charity is giving a poor person some food or clothing, while social justice advocates change in the economic system so that people have more employment and housing opportunities, in order to better feed and clothe themselvesSIMON’S EXAMPLE: Daily Bread Food Bank is a CHARITY that treats symptoms by providing food t o the hungry (mid-level social change) The Stop Community Food Centre treats symptoms and root causes by educating community on food issues, lobbies government and encourages social action amongst food recipients (mid and macro-level social change)Video Examples of Social Change 1) Remix Project: A creative center made for underprivileged youth who want to express themselves through music and/or design that gives them the resources and tools they need to channel their talent (An example of a social justice)2) Idle No More: Aboriginal movement that brings light to issues such as false treaties and oppression in Canada for hundreds of years3) Tom’s Shoes: Provides a child in the developing world with a new pair of shoes for every pair of shoes their company sells (An example of a social entrepreneurship)Chapter 7 Citizenship: A concept that implies membership or identity in a wider community along with a set of rights and responsibilitiesGlobal Citizenship (CENTENNIAL DEFINITIO N): â€Å"Recognizing that we must all be aware of our use of the world’s resources and find ways to live on the earth in a sustainable way. When we see other are treated without justice, we know we are responsible for trying to ensure people are treated fairly and must have the same equitable opportunities as other citizens of the world. We must think critically about what we see, hear and say, and make sure our actions bring about positive changes†Global Citizenship (OXFAM CENTENNIAL DEFINITION): The importance of learning about â€Å"how the world works economically, politically, socially, culturally, technologically and environmentally†Globalization: The increasing economic, social, cultural and political connections that are forming across the world and our awareness of them (includes expansions of institutions as well as cultural developments and exchanges) Spread of corporations and their powers worldwide, labour is cheap, rich countries profit immenselyE conomic globalization: The concept of large companies and money moving easily around the world, whereas people cannot (i.e. Mexicans illegally entering the U.S. for work)Alternative globalization: Social movements designed to take action at a global level against globalization (i.e. Amnesty International, Greenpeace, World Social Forum Conference (where various grassroots groups connect and discuss similar issues and goals for their organizations)Universal Declaration of Human Rights: A legal charter document that highlights the basic human rights all world citizens possess (Designed to create equality and compassion among all people)Notes From Lecture Slides Racial inequality: A certain ethnicity experiencing unfair judgment or social treatment based solely on their raceInstitutionalized racism: Unfair treatment of immigrants within social structures and institutions such as the government, the police force, schools, churches etc. (i.e. police profiling, immigration detention)Econo mic inequality: Capitalist societies allow for profits to stay at the top of the job ladder amongst people who hold positions of power, which results in an inequality among lower level workersGender inequality: Inequality amongst women and men in the workplace – women earn 81 cents for every 1 dollar men earn in CanadaGendered violence: Violence based specifically towards either gender (more common in patriarchal or misogynistic forms towards women by men, i.e. domestic violence, ‘rape culture’)Colonialism: The political control of people and territories by foreign states (often results in racial superiority, implementation of their customs, traditions, beliefs, etc.)Imperialism: A general system of domination by a state (or states) or other regions or the whole worldInternational Monetary Fund (IMF) IMF & World Bank required changes in order to give loans to pay debts Cut spending on state services (education, health, etc.) Sold off public companies to corporati ons, which open borders and markets the corporations

A raisin in the sun by Lorraine Hansberry Research Paper

A raisin in the sun by Lorraine Hansberry - Research Paper Example With $10,000 worth of insurance check, Hansberry asks if this is enough to buy their American Dreams. Raisin in the Sun depicts the deferred American Dream, where blacks diverge on their ideas of being African American and how this affects their definition of the American Dream, but as a family, they resolved their individual differences through affirming racial equality through racial integration and the variety of their dreams. The play argues that the poverty of the black working-class is a product of racial prejudice and a misplaced sense of humility. The setting of A Raisin in the Sun embodies the constrained life of African Americans. The Southside Apartment of the Youngers is a place of â€Å"weariness† where â€Å"too many people have lived for too long† (Hansberry Act 1 Scene 1). Blacks are compressed in a limited space through the policies and programs of the government that rely on racial prejudice. May talks about the space that limits African American growth, a space that ensures their poverty. She says: â€Å"Hansberry speaks to the material/ecological situatedness of her characters’ lives† (May 130). Most blacks rented and did not own their houses, a situation that Lena wanted to change. For her, having a house in a white neighborhood is already the realization of her American Dream. Walter thinks differently, however. Washington argues that Lena’s American D ream opposes Walter’s version of it. He asserts: â€Å"[Lena’s] is in short, not the true American Dream, but a second-class version of it reserved for Black Americans and other poor people† (Washington 130). Lena has a misguided sense of humility because she sees that a house is enough. Walter knows better because he does not aim for mere existence, but a true sense of development through a business undertaking. But Lena warns him of taking more than what the white society can afford to give blacks. She says: â€Å"When a man goes outside